We've always taken great pride in keeping a clean property, but now that matters more than ever. We have expanded our already stringent cleaning standards to help mitigate the passing of germs as well as to help our guests feel safe.
We will be taking the following steps prior to every arriving guest:
All check-ins and check-outs will be non-contact. If we happen to see you at the property, we will wish you a warm, 6-feet-away welcome!
After check-out, all windows will be open & fans run to encourage new airflow into the property.
Housekeeping staff (me) will wear disposable gloves while cleaning and appropriate PPE.
All surfaces will be treated vigilantly with cleaning supplies. (Including antibacterial wipes and disinfectant spray.)
All bedding is being stored in storage containers that are not exposed to open air germs.
Towels and bedding will be washed hot, hot, hot!
We will have hand sanitizer and antibacterial hand soap on site at all times.
24-hour blocks will be implemented whenever possible between reservations.
When you arrive on property, you will also receive a small check-list of items you can do to help us combat germs & keep our property safe for all guests. (Such as stripping beds, gathering trash, and opening windows prior to departure.)
We look forward to hosting guests this summer!
Kami & company